
Warning to “Stop Damaging Antiquities” in Deir Nitham Village/ Ramallah governorate

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Violation: Warning to Stop Damaging Antiquities in Deir Nitham Village.

Location: Wad Abu Rayya – Deir Nitham / Ramallah governorate.

Date: March 24th 2021.

Perpetrators: The Construction inspector at the Israeli Civil Administration.

Victims: 19 families at the village.


Wednesday morning, March 24th 2021, The So-called inspection officer at the Israeli Civil Administration raided Wad Abu Rayya area north Deir Nitham in Ramallah governorate, and served a demolition notice for a metal gate and a fence, (about 800 m) on the pretext of damaging antiquities.

The notice targeted an agricultural project on an area of (55) dunums. The targeted project was implemented by the Economic and Social Development Center of Palestine, following an attack in March 19th 2021, during which Israeli illegal colonists destroyed a siege and uprooted 1991 Almond saplings.

Noteworthy, the targeted area is nearby “Halmish” colony which is illegally built on the village lands, colonists have been carrying out continuous attacks on nearby agricultural lands.

The Occupation also finds pretexts and excuses to stop citizens and landowners from cultivating their land or building on them, aspiring to keep the whole area a reserve for future colonialist projects.

Noteworthy, many of the area’s people consider agriculture a main source of income, and sometimes the only source of income. However, the harsh reality imposed on farmers made it harder for them to put food on the table.

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Photos 1-2: The targeted plot

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Notice number 00442 that targets both the gate and the siege

About Deir Nitham village:[1]

25 kilometers north west Ramallah, Deir Nitham village is surrounded by An-Nabi Salih and Bni Zeid Al-Gharbeyeh towns (north) , ‘Abud (west) , Kobar and Umm Safa (east) and Beitillu (south). It has a population of 876 people in 2017 census.

Deir Nitham has an area of 2,758 dunums , 161 of them are a built up area of the town, the Israeli illegal occupation confiscated parts of the towns’ lands for the following purposes:

“Hallamish” illegal settlement confiscated more than 604 dunums, estableshed in 1977.

Bypass roads (450 and 465) confiscated over 250 dunums.

The land is divided according to Oslo convention to B and C areas:

  • Area B : 128 dunums.
  • Area C : 2,630 dunu.


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This report was prepared as part of Secure Palestinian Land & Housing Rights project activities

The Contents of this document are the responsibility of LRC and do not reflect EU positions
